O'Hara's Hot Lunch Program is provided by Mac's Custom Catering. Orders may now be placed through the O'Hara app and the link in Family Portal announcements.
Menus and links to order are released weekly in the school bulletin. Please make sure you fill out one order form for each student.
- Go to the O'Hara website and select the graduation cap icon at the top right of the home page.
- Log into FACTS Family Portal.
- Find the HOT LUNCH MENU link and click into it.
- Fill out your student's information.
- Click the date(s) you wish to order lunch. You do not have to order every day.
- Select the menu item for the correct grade level of that student.
- Once you have filled in all of your lunch orders for each date, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the SUBMIT button.
- Review your purchases, enter your payment information and click PAY.
- Click the link again to generate a new form for your next student.
- Make sure you have downloaded the O'Hara Catholic School app.
- Log into the app following the HOW TO LOG IN instructions.
- Once you are logged in, you should stay logged in until manually logged out.
- Click the LUNCH apple icon
- Fill out your student's information.
- Click the date(s) you wish to order lunch. You do not have to order every day.
- Select the menu item for the correct grade level of that student.
- Once you have filled in all of your lunch orders for each date , scroll to the bottom of the page and click the SUBMIT button.
- Review your purchases, enter your payment information and click PAY.
- Click the link again to generate a new form for your next student.
All weekly orders must be in by every Friday at noon for the following week. We will run the report at that time and send it to the caterers. If you miss the deadline, please make alternative plans for lunch.
Families can choose which days they would like to order hot lunch. You do NOT have to order it every day.
- The price for hot lunch is as follows:
- $6.50/ day for PreSchool - 5th
- $8.50/day for Middle School and Staff
- NOTE: Please make sure you select the appropriate grade level when selecting your students' meals in FACTS.
- Fruit is included daily
- Salad Bar is included in the meal purchase on M,W,F for grades 3rd - 8th
- Desserts are included in the meal purchase on Tuesdays & Thursdays for all grade levels
- Milk is available to select for $.75/day
- Due to the current logistics of our catering agreement, all lunch orders will be processed up front.
- Payment is due through FACTS at the time of your order.
- We are unable to refund any payments due to student absences. If your child is sick on the day they ordered a lunch, we will NOT be able to refund that lunch purchase.
- No scholarships are available for hot lunch at this time. We will revisit this opportunity as things progress and are hopeful to reintroduce this option when we are financially capable.
- Thank you again for your patience as we have been working towards providing our students with a quality hot lunch program. If you have any questions about the hot lunch ordering process, please email Kristina Campbell.