The following items are recorded hour for hour:
- Field trip drivers/chaperones
- Clubs
- Helping around the building and grounds
- Gym/recess or lunch duty
- Mass or Liturgical activities
- Open house
- Classroom or library volunteer
- Uniform table organization
- Called to Protect training helper
- School functions and events
- Front office or development office help
- School fundraisers
- Health screening/picture day
- Scoreboard operator or book keeper for Middle School sports events
The following items are recorded as a flat hour amount:
- Parent Ambassador (20 hours)
- Full year of organizing the uniform exchange table (36 hours - see Barb Whitford)
- Jog-A-Thon Chair (36 hours)
- Auction Chair (36 hours)
- Boxtops Chair (36 hours)
- SAC Member (36 hours)
- Foundation Board Member (36 hours)
- Hosting a middle school exchange student (20 hours)
- Yearbook Editor (36 hours)
- Assistant Yearbook Editor (18 hours)
- Head Coach (Kidsports, YMCA or another external organization for an O'Hara elementary team only (10 hours) Assistant Coach (5 hours)
- Head Coach of an O'Hara Middle School sports team (36 hours - see Tammy Conway)
FIP Hours for Scouts: these are uniquely identified. Hour allotment is determined by the Scout leader and school secretary. See Tony Westover.
Items that do NOT count towards FIP Hours: Cooking or preparing food, carpooling for a sporting event, volunteering at your own Parish, coaching a non-O'Hara exclusive team.
We are very excited to have parent volunteers back in the building this year. Please make sure you log your FIP hours by following these directions:
- Open your O'Hara App and log into FACTS Family Portal (District Code: OHARA-OR)
- Click the Service Hours icon in the top right corner
- Select the OLDEST STUDENT from the drop down menu
- Click the Add+ text on the Service Hours blue banner under the student contact info
- Select the date and add how many hours you worked
- Select a description from the drop down menu
- Add the name of the family member who completed the volunteer hours in the notes section.
- "Verified by" can be left blank until verified by the front office
- Go to the O'Hara Website. Click the graduation cap icon in the top right corner and log into FACTS Family Portal (District Code: OHARA-OR)
- Select the FAMILY drop down menu on the left side of the home page
- Select the OLDEST STUDENT from the drop down menu at the center-top of the dashboard
- Click the Add+ text on the Service Hours blue banner next to Contact Info.
- Select the date and add how many hours you worked
- Select a description from the drop down menu
- Add the name of the family member who completed the volunteer hours in the notes section.
- "Verified by" can be left blank until verified by the front office
If you have any questions about entering your service hours please email Barb Whitford.